Strike/Chaos Information

Taking a strike vote demonstrates to management—and to the NMB, and the flying public—that we are ready, willing and able to do whatever it takes. It is a promise to each other as well – we will stick together, and together we will achieve a fair contract.

If and when we do Self Help, we would use CHAOS tactics. This allows us to implement a strike with minimum risk for Flight Attendants and maximum impact on management.

Got Questions?  Use this form to email us.

Important Dates:

August 19, 2024 – Strike Vote Guide and Voting Instructions Mailed

August 21, 2024 – Voting Opens at 12pm EASTERN

August 29, 2024 @ 3pm Eastern – Strike Authorization Vote Webinar

    • Special Guest: Sara Nelson, AFA-CWA International President
    • Thanks to all who joined.  We appreciated sharing this update with you.

September 17, 2024 – Voting Closes at 12pm EASTERN

September 23 – 26, 2024 – Mediation Session

Strike Vote Guide

Strike Vote Eligibility

Check Dues/Member Status


What is ?

CHAOS is AFA’s trademarked strategy of intermittent strikes and other non-traditional work actions. It is an integral part of our public contract campaign, and the strongest weapon in our arsenal. The form CHAOS takes will be unique. Where an intermittent strike against a few flights might work best at one airline, an all-out strike for a day or a week might be the best tactic somewhere else. CHAOS is so powerful because we can adapt it to the specific facts of our campaign, keeping airline executives off balance with the element of surprise.

To learn more about CHAOS click here.


August 9, 2024

AFA PSA Brothers, Sisters & Siblings:

Today, your Master Executive Council (MEC), with the full backing of our entire union, has voted to hold a Strike Authorization Vote. In the coming weeks, you will receive more information about the vote through newsletters, text messages, and crew sits at each base. Read on below for the MEC officers’ message about why we are taking a strike authorization vote and watch a video message from MEC President Lee Wilkes.

PSA AFA siblings: your negotiating committee and MEC strongly recommend that you vote YES on the strike authorization vote.

Your negotiating committee together has over 60 years on the job and dealing with management. We’ve been at the table for 1.5 years now and we’re saying, enough is enough – it’s OUR turn to get a fair contract.

For too long, our wages have lagged behind enormous cost of living increases. We feel it everyday when we pay for gas, food, and housing. In November 2023, we made a wage proposal with a 35% increase in year 1 followed by increases of 6%, 6%, and 6%. Management stalled until July 2024 to give us a counterproposal of 3% in the first year followed by 1.5% each year for 4 years. We are worth SO much more.

It’s OUR turn.

For too long, we’ve worked even though we’re exhausted and sick. We need more time off to recover from our demanding job to take care of our families and ourselves. We proposed increases to sick time, vacation, personal days, and bereavement leave, but management just wants to keep everything the same. That’s not acceptable.

It’s OUR turn.

We want an industry-leading CBA, so we must stand together in solidarity and we can only do it with your 100% support. Stand with us and help us make REAL change for us and for ALL regional flight attendants.


In Solidarity,

Lee Wilkes   
MEC President 
Negotiating Committee

Liz Sagraves
MEC Secretary-Treasurer 
LEC Vice President, 
Council 57

Mary Guerrero
LEC President, Council 54


Sean Griffin
MEC Vice President 
LEC President, Council 75 
Negotiating Committee

Francie Gillis
LEC President, Council 57

Becky Black 
Negotiating Committee

It's our turn

Press Releases

American Eagle Flight Attendants at PSA Airlines Vote 99.2% to Authorize a Strike

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 17, 2024) – Flight Attendants at American wholly-owned PSA Airlines, represented by the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA), voted 99.2% to authorize a strike. The results come after months of insulting proposals from PSA management during contract negotiations.

“Our 99.2% vote shows PSA and American management that we will do whatever it takes to get the contract we have earned,” said Lee Wilkes, president of the PSA chapter of AFA-CWA representing over 1,300 PSA Airlines Flight Attendants. “We can’t afford to wait any longer. We’ll be back at the table next week with a message for management: it’s time to Pay Us or CHAOS™. PSA Flight Attendants need improvements now!”

PSA Flight Attendants are fighting for double-digit base pay increases, increased pay for time at work including boarding, sick leave, work rule improvements, and more. PSA Flight Attendants filed for federal mediation in January. Management finally returned an economic proposal—after stalling for seven months—with insulting base wage increases that fall far short of the cost of living and increases at mainline carriers. 

Negotiations are scheduled to resume next week with oversight from the National Mediation Board. Strike vote ballots were sent to over 1,300 Flight Attendants, with the vote opening August 21, 2024 and closing on September 17, 2024. Significantly, 86.5% cast a strike ballot. 

“Flight Attendants at PSA and other regional airlines across the industry fly the same routes and provide the same service as mainline Flight Attendants. It’s time they get paid like it,” said Sara Nelson, international president of AFA-CWA representing 55,000 Flight Attendants at 20 airlines. “Regional Flight Attendants deserve pay and benefits that reflect the value of their hard work.” 

AFA has a trademarked strike strategy known as CHAOS™ or Create Havoc Around Our System™. With CHAOS, a strike could affect the entire system or a single flight. The union decides when, where and how to strike without notice to management or passengers. The right to strike is triggered when the National Mediation Board (NMB) declares that negotiations are deadlocked and releases both parties into a 30-day “cooling off” period leading to a strike deadline. 

PSA Airlines is a wholly-owned subsidiary of American Airlines Group operating 500 daily flights to nearly 100 destinations. 


The Association of Flight Attendants is the Flight Attendant union. Focused 100 percent on Flight Attendant issues, AFA has been the leader in advancing the Flight Attendant profession for over 79 years. Serving as the voice for Flight Attendants in the workplace, in the aviation industry, in the media and on Capitol Hill, AFA has transformed the Flight Attendant profession by raising wages, benefits and working conditions. 55,000 Flight Attendants come together to form AFA, part of the 700,000-member strong Communications Workers of America (CWA), AFL-CIO. Visit us at

“Life at PSA is unsustainable for Flight Attendants without significant improvements,” said Lee Wilkes, president of the PSA chapter of AFA-CWA representing over 1,300 PSA Airlines Flight Attendants. “The cost of living has skyrocketed while our pay remains delayed. We can’t afford to wait any longer. We’re ready to show PSA and American management that we will do whatever it takes to get our contract.”

PSA Flight Attendants filed for federal mediation in January. Management finally returned an economic proposal—after stalling for seven months—with insulting base wage increases that fail to keep up with the cost of living and increases at mainline carriers.

Strike vote ballots will be sent to over 1,300 Flight Attendants, with the vote opening August 21, 2024 and closing on September 17, 2024. Recent strike authorization votes have propelled negotiations forward at mainline American and other airlines.

“Flight Attendants at PSA and other regional airlines across the industry are fighting to end tiers in aviation,” said Sara Nelson, international president of AFA-CWA representing 55,000 Flight Attendants at 20 airlines. “PSA Flight Attendants wear the same uniforms, fly the same routes, and perform the same service as mainline Flight Attendants. But airlines leave them behind in compensation and benefits.”

AFA has a trademarked strike strategy known as CHAOS™ or Create Havoc Around Our System™. With CHAOS, a strike could affect the entire system or a single flight. The union decides when, where and how to strike without notice to management or passengers. The right to strike is triggered when the National Mediation Board (NMB) declares that negotiations are deadlocked and releases both parties into a 30-day “cooling off” period leading to a strike deadline. 

PSA Flight Attendant attendants are fighting for double-digit base pay increases, increased pay for time at work, sick leave, work rule improvements, and more. 

PSA Airlines is a wholly-owned subsidiary of American Airlines Group operating 500 daily flights to nearly 100 destinations. 


The Association of Flight Attendants is the Flight Attendant union. Focused 100 percent on Flight Attendant issues, AFA has been the leader in advancing the Flight Attendant profession for over 78 years. Serving as the voice for Flight Attendants in the workplace, in the aviation industry, in the media and on Capitol Hill, AFA has transformed the Flight Attendant profession by raising wages, benefits and working conditions. 55,000 Flight Attendants come together to form AFA, part of the 700,000-member strong Communications Workers of America (CWA), AFL-CIO. Visit us at

In the News:


Why a strike vote?


Am I eligible to vote while on probation?

New hires can vote after four full months of service from the date of graduation.

Can the company discipline Flight Attendants for striking?

No. If management were to take action against any Flight Attendant for participating in CHAOS, AFA lawyers would immediately be in Federal Court seeking to enjoin management and pursue full backpay for the Flight Attendant(s).

Are we going on strike soon?

No. We can only go on strike if the National Mediation Board formally gives us permission to strike, and that doesn’t happen unless the National Mediation Board decides that there is no way to make any progress in negotiations whatsoever. It would take a long time for that to happen. But remember, the goal of taking a strike vote first and foremost is to put pressure on management to get a fair contract now, not to go on strike.

What a strike vote means?

A successful strike vote sends a powerful message to management that Flight Attendants stand behind our AFA leadership. Our solidarity, combined with picketing, public outreach, and other actions result in increased pressure on management to come to the table.

By voting yes, does this mean I will be definitely going on strike?

No. By voting to authorize a strike, you are backing up our priorities at the negotiating table and indicating you are willing to strike, if necessary.

Can I be fired if I go on strike?

AFA uses a strike method called CHAOS, which stands for Create Havoc Around Our System, and our ability to strike using CHAOS has been upheld as a legal right in federal court under the Railway Labor Act.

Does the “no strike clause” in our CBA impact our ability to take this vote or go on strike?

The “no strike clause” in the CBA has nothing to do with the strike authorization vote. This is because the only time we would strike is if the National Mediation Board actually released us to strike, in which case it would be a fully authorized strike and the no strike clause in the CBA would not apply in that situation.

Why are we taking a strike authorization vote?

A strong strike vote sends a clear message that says we are committed to the fight for the Contract we deserve and have earned. The industry is in the strongest position in decades, and we deserve our share! We have fought at the negotiating table for the Contract that represents our value to PSA Airlines. We must demonstrate that PSA Flight Attendants stand in Solidarity and support the Negotiating Committee.

In the event of a strike, do probationary Flight Attendants need to be concerned?

In the event of a strike, probationary Flight Attendants have the same legal rights as everyone else and the full protection of the Union. Management cannot discipline a Flight Attendant on probation for participating in a legal strike.

Will I lose money if I go out on strike?

CHAOS maximizes our impact on management, and minimizes the risk to Flight Attendants. Unlike a traditional strike, management will not be able to predict when and where we will strike. CHAOS also allows Flight Attendants to continue to work and receive a paycheck right up until the strategic strike and then return to work again. CHAOS protects against the use of replacement Flight Attendants.