Grievance Committee

The grievance committee will have as its primary objective the protection of all Flight Attendants against arbitrary and unjust disciplinary action by being your witness and advocate at investigatory meetings with management.  The upholding of the collective bargaining agreement.

Contacting the Committee

Meeting Representation Requests: 844-423-2232 ext 0

C54-DCAMary GuerreroLEC-President224-545-0926[email protected]DCA
C54-DCACarly DavisLEC-Secretary678-835-7497[email protected]DCA
C54-DCAJesse CarlRepresentative570-764-8368 DCA
C57-DAY/PHLBecky BlackLEC-Chair937-545-0736[email protected]DAY
C57-DAY/PHLFrancie GillisLEC-President937-770-4544[email protected]DAY
C57-DAY/PHLLiz SagravesLEC-VP937-470-7170[email protected]DAY
C75-CLT/DFWValerie AndrewsLEC-Chair571-309-5231[email protected]CLT
C75-CLT/DFWSean GriffinLEC-President980-288-4695[email protected]CLT
C75-CLT/DFWJordyn Steele ShabazzRepresentative513-497-5398 DFW
MECJohn GenoveseMEC-Chair302-803-6143[email protected]PHL
MECLee WilkesMEC-President330-831-5740[email protected]DCA

About our Committee

Specific Duties and Responsibilities

  • Enforce the contract
  • Represent all Flight Attendants when unjust discipline is issued
  • Collect evidence and establish that the alleged violation has occurred. Solicit documentation as needed.
  • Clearly and persuasively explain the union’s position concerning a grievance
  • Frankly explain to a grievant when there is little or no chance of winning a grievance
  • Ensure that time limits are met for filing
  • File grievances
  • Handle initial grievance hearings; report the results to the LEC Officers and the grievant
  • Keep complete files on assigned cases
  • Assist union attorneys in preparing grievances for System Board
  • Keep the grievant informed about the processing of his/her grievance
  • Review material, handle correspondence, and keep the LEC Officers well informed of current grievance developments
  • Communicate regularly with the membership about decisions on local grievances—promote wins and explain ramifications of a loss
  • Write grievance articles for local membership communications upon request by the LEC Officers