Hurricane Florence Update: State of SC State of Emergency 091018

Hurricane Florence update:

The Governor of South Carolina has issued mandatory evacuations for coastal areas including Myrtle Beach. Starting tomorrow at 12:00, 4 major highways will be reversed for evacuation.

The hurricane is projected to start making landfall approximately Wednesday afternoon/evening to Thursday, and direct landfall Thursday/Friday.

Many of you will have questions about your schedules and flights cancelling. While it is certain it will make landfall, there still is a chance it may shift a little, so an exact forecast of which inland cities will be affected may not be known until later today or tomorrow (according to the weather channel.)

The airlines will start making their cancellations soon. It is imperative that you monitor your company email concerning updates to operations. The first communication has already been sent earlier today.

If you live in the regions that are in the path of the hurricane, check with your localities for specific directions and instructions for your region.

If there is anything your AFA volunteers can do to assist you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Lee will personally have her cell on and be available for the entire duration of the event. Diane will be flying but will also be readily available between flights to help. Other reps may be flying at times as well, so please be patient and someone will get back to you.  

Lee Wilkes : (330) 831-5740

Diane Lyons: (856) 308-4003

If you would like to get to base early so you are in place, you may request a hotel following the directions sent in your company email.  It would be best to start making those arrangements today before flights start cancelling and hotel rooms are gone later in the week.